Weekly progress #52

Greenfeet Haven

Hello, dear Greenfeet friends! May the grass be soft beneath your feet!

This week felt super productive! I had to revisit my initial goal, which was to implement all the UI elements and limitations for the demo. On Monday morning, I quickly realized that it would be difficult to do so without implementing one of the demo's last major features: the personality of the Greenfeet. Until now, there was nothing to differentiate them beyond their names and appearances. They now have attributes: a background, personality traits, and skills.

Each Greenfeet is generated with a base level of randomness in their skills, and then a background is assigned: a former profession and a significant life event. These elements apply modifiers to their initial skills. For example, a former gardener will be more efficient at harvesting tasks. There's also a trait system that influences other stats, such as movement speed, work speed, and learning speed.

A thought system is also making its debut in this version. Not everything is hooked up yet due to time constraints, but I plan to finish it next week. Essentially, Greenfeet will react positively or negatively to events based on their traits. In a future version, sleeping in a bed will generate a positive thought, whereas sleeping on the ground won't… unless a personality trait says otherwise!

A needs screen A skills screen

That's a wrap for this week. Thank you for reading!

Version 0.1.373439d3


  • Added: Greenfeet now have skills determining their work speed on given tasks. Skills level can be gained by working.
  • Added: Greenfeet now have background stories influencing their initial skill set.
  • Added: Greenfeet now have traits that alter their personality, attributes and skills.
  • Added: Greenfeet now have feelings that can be triggered and will temporarily alter their mood.
  • Added: Greenfeet now have a birthday and will age each year.


  • Changed: Reworked the greenfeet UI panel to be more concise and to display new skills / traits / feelings system.


  • Fixed: Fixed plant not clickable and displayed under everything else after loading a save.
  • Fixed: Fixed planting crop on farmland having no visible effect.

PS: don't forget you can wishlist Greenfeet Haven on Steam, so you don't miss when it's out!

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